Results for 'Giovan Battista D'Alessio'

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  1.  57
    Textual fluctuation and cosmic streams: Ocean and Acheloios.Giovan Battista D'Alessio - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:16-37.
    According to the ancient commentaries, Iliad 21.195 was omitted by some sources, thereby making Acheloios, instead of Ocean, the origin of all waters, including the sea: the reasons for and the date of such a version of the text have been debated. In this paper 1 argue that the version without line 195 actually represents the earlier textual stage. This role of Acheloios is paralleled in the poem interpreted in the Derveni papyrus, and some features of Acheloios' cosmological function, as (...)
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    Giovan Battista Nazari et Francesco Colonna: La réécriture alchimique de l'Hypnerotomachia poliphili.Alfredo Perifano - 2004 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 66 (2):241-259.
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    Music Rooms in the Ducal Palace in Mantua: From Andrea Mantegna to Giovan Battista Bertani.Iain Fenlon - 2012 - In Fenlon Iain (ed.), The Music Room in Early Modern France and Italy: Sound, Space and Object. pp. 237.
    Although the desirability for Italian princes and those who emulated their social practices to construct rooms specifically dedicated to the performance of music was specified by Paolo Cortesi in his treatise De cardinalatu at the beginning of the sixteenth century, the identification of these dedicated spaces and in particular of the repertories performed within them is fraught with difficulty. Beginning with Isabella d'Este's various studioli, this chapter considers what can be reconstructed about the provision of such rooms within the ducal (...)
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    Giovan B attista D ella P orta and F rancis B acon on the creative power of experimentation.Doina-Cristina Rusu & Dana Jalobeanu - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (3):381-392.
    This special issue brings to the attention of the scholarly community some of the common features and some of the subtle, but important, differences between Francis Bacon's and Giovan Battista Della Porta's ways of dealing with the reading, selecting, enacting, and recording of recipes. Focusing on questions of genre, intellectual and material context, strategies of research, and strategies of performing recipes, the four papers of this special issue address two major issues. First, they shed new light on the (...)
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  5. Marsilio Ficino e il codice Riccardiano 581.Giovan Battista Alberti - 1970 - Rinascimento 10:187-193.
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  6. Per la critica della società della merce.Giovan Battista Vaccaro - 1995 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 16:201-220.
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    Soggettività e storia.Giovan Battista Vaccaro - 2002 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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    Dispositions, Reduction Sentences and Causal Conditionals.J. C. D'Alessio - 1967 - Critica 1 (3):65-81.
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    Enacting recipes: G iovan B attista D ella P orta and F rancis B acon on technologies, experiments, and processes of nature.Dana Jalobeanu - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (3):425-446.
    The relationship between Francis Bacon's Sylva sylvarum and Giovan Battista Della Porta's Magia naturalis has previously been discussed in terms of sources and borrowings in the literature. More recently, it has been suggested that one can read these two works as belonging to a common genre: as collections of recipes or books of secrets. Taking this as a framework, in this paper I address another type of similarity between these two works, one that can be detected by looking (...)
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  10. Dispositions.J. C. D'alessio - 1966
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    Austin on Nowell-Smith's conditional analyses of `could have' and `can'.J. C. D'Alessio - 1972 - Mind 81 (322):260-264.
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    Funéraire grecque des environs de Nicée.Eugenio Dalleggio D'Alessio - 1964 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 88 (1):196-198.
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    On subjunctive conditionals.J. C. D'Alessio - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy 64 (10):306-310.
  14.  29
    Parallela graeco-latina: Φαpοc (antimachus, fr. 154 matthews) and other glosses in an unpublished lexicographical excerpt.Giambattista D'Alessio - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):633-650.
    Dealing with fragmentary texts is an unavoidable task for anyone working on the Greco-Roman world with the awareness that only a tiny portion of the texts produced in antiquity has survived the perilous process of transmission. Since the Renaissance, generations of scholars have painstakingly collected and sifted quotations, paraphrases and allusions in later authors and grammatical sources, laying the foundation for our knowledge of large parts of that lost world. More recently a spectacular increase was made possible by the papyrological (...)
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  15.  31
    Terranova, Chiara, "Tra cielo e terra, Amphiaraos nel Mediterraneo antico".Valentina D’Alessio - 2015 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 20:324-327.
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    Teoria e história: uma relação tensionada.Marcia M. D'Alessio - 2013 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 2 (1).
    Existe uma tensão entre Teoria e História: “[...] a poesia é mais filosófica e de caráter mais elevado que a história, porque a poesia permanece no universal e a história estuda apenas o particular” (Aristóteles, 2007, 43). Esta afirmação de Aristóteles talvez tenha sido a primeira indicação da referida tensão entre as duas formas de conhecimento: a histórica e a teórica. Na citação acima, a filosofia é a referência de um pensamento hierarquicamente superior, sendo que sua legitimação enquanto tal passa (...)
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  17.  33
    Disposiciones sociales y diposiciones históricas.Juan Carlos D'Alessio - 1975 - Critica 7 (19):105-127.
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  18.  32
    Hollis Callimachus Hecale. Second Edition with Introduction, Text, Translation, and Enlarged Commentary. Pp. xiv + 439. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Cased, £70, US$155. ISBN: 978-0-19-956246-6. [REVIEW]Giambattista D'Alessio - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):306-307.
  19.  68
    A ciência do olhar atento.Lucrécia D'Aléssio Ferrara - 1987 - Trans/Form/Ação 9:01-07.
    What is science? What is the distinction between scientific knowledge and living science, science of experience. Peirce's pragmatism. The scientific dimension of Peirce's categories: deduction, abduction, induction. Induction as a connection between the abductive hypothesis, that is only probable and the generation of a deductive and indispensable law that characterises behavior habits.Que é ciência? A distinção entre conhecimento científico e ciência como coisa viva, ciência da experiência. A dimensão científica das categorias de Peirce: dedução, abdução, indução. Pragmatismo peirceano. A indução (...)
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  20.  14
    Resson'ncias semióticas na comunicação.Lucrécia D’Alessio Ferrara - 2022 - Cognitio 23 (1):e59111.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a relação que se estabelece entre as características da fenomenologia filosófica, a natureza do conhecimento que dela deriva e o modo como interfere sobre a produção do conhecimento em comunicação. Em primeiro lugar, observa-se a concepção de comunicação como processo transmissivo desenvolvida pelos clássicos estudos de mídia ou pelos processos de comunicação de massa. Em seguida, aproximam-se comunicação e semiótica como campos epistemológicos que, embora desenvolvam mútuas influências científicas, são, não raro, considerados áreas científicas (...)
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  21.  45
    The Greek Paean Lutz Käppel: Paian: Studien zur Geschichte einer Gattung.(Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 37.) Pp. xxvi + 428. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 1992. Cased, DM 228. [REVIEW]G. B. D'alessio - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):62-65.
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  22.  24
    Les «yeux d’Argos» et les «étoiles d’Astrée» pour mesurer l’univers les jésuites italiens et la science nouvelle.Denise Aricà - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (2-3):285-303.
    Comme la nova de 1604 et les trois comètes de 1618, qui engagèrent Galilée et les jésuites du Collège romain dans un long débat, la comète de 1664 a relancé la curiosité et l'attente des astronomes et des astrologues. L'article analyse quelques aspects de ce débat européen, en se focalisant sur l'observatoire de l'école de Santa-Lucia de Bologne, où Giovan Battista Riccioli et ses «associés» avaient, depuis longtemps, développé une activité expérimentale connue dans toute l'Europe pour sa précision. (...)
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  23. Simultaneous Multiple Bonds of.A. D. Battista & M. A. Ponti Sr - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 85.
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  24.  11
    Studi e ritratti della rinascenza.Francesco Fiorentino - 1911 - Bari,: G. Laterza. Edited by Luisa Fiorentino.
    Pietro Pomponazzi.--Simnoe Porzio.--Maria d'Aragona marchesa del Vasto.--Andrea Cesalpino.--Giovan Battista de la Porta.--Giordano Bruno.--Tommaso Campanella.--Giulio Cesare Vanini.--Trajano Boccalini.
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  25.  22
    Giovan Battista Della Porta's construction of pneumatic phenomena and his use of recipes as heuristic tools.Arianna Borrelli - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (3):406-424.
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    Giovan Battista Pigna, uno scrittore politico nella Ferrara del Cinquecento.Rita Baldi - 1983 - Genova: ECIG.
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  27. Amico, giovan, Battista and his homocentric model in astronomy.M. Dibono - 1992 - Rinascimento 32:275-289.
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  28. Johann Wechel, Giovan Battista Ciotti e le ultime edizioni di Bruno.Valentina Lepri - 2007 - Rinascimento 47:367-388.
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  29. La Scienza Nuova di Giovan Battista Vico nelle opere di studiosi russi (1861-1917).Olga V. Serova - 1984 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 14:301-310.
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  30.  13
    May the force be with you: Nuclear condensates function beyond transcription control.Maria Luce Negri, Sarah D'Annunzio, Giulia Vitali & Alessio Zippo - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (10):2300075.
    Over the past decade, research has revealed biomolecular condensates' relevance in diverse cellular functions. Through a phase separation process, they concentrate macromolecules in subcompartments shaping the cellular organization and physiology. In the nucleus, biomolecular condensates assemble relevant biomolecules that orchestrate gene expression. We here hypothesize that chromatin condensates can also modulate the nongenetic functions of the genome, including the nuclear mechanical properties. The importance of chromatin condensates is supported by the genetic evidence indicating that mutations in their members are causative (...)
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    Income Inequality and Adolescent Gambling Severity: Findings from a Large-Scale Italian Representative Survey.Natale Canale, Alessio Vieno, Michela Lenzi, Mark D. Griffiths, Alberto Borraccino, Giacomo Lazzeri, Patrizia Lemma, Luca Scacchi & Massimo Santinello - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Dizionario enciclopedico del pensiero di San Tommaso d'Aquino.Battista Mondin - 2000 - Bologna: Edizioni Studio Domenicano.
    Dizionario che comprende più di 700 voci e temi estratti dal pensiero di san Tommaso d’Aquino. Per ogni voce si traccia, innanzitutto, lo sviluppo del pensiero precedente a Tommaso per far capire l’originalità e la novità del suo contributo, e poi si espone in modo esauriente il suo pensiero, attingendo da tutte le sue opere, e in particolare dal Commento alle Sentenze e dalla Somma Teologica. Un ottimo primo libro alla scoperta di questo grande autore, insieme a La Somma Teologica (...)
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  33. Sexuality in Pio, giovan, Battista commentary on lucretius.V. Delnero - 1986 - Rinascimento 26:277-295.
  34.  8
    La metafisica di S. Tommaso d'Aquino e i suoi interpreti.Battista Mondin - 2002 - Bologna, Italia: Edizioni Studio Domenicano.
    S. Tommaso occupa un posto di enorme importanza nella Storia della Metafisica. Ma la sua è una dottrina originale, o una rielaborazione della metafisica aristotelica e di quella neoplatonica? Per rispondere a questa domanda il P. Battista Mondin, con il suo solito stile chiaro ed essenziale, nella Prima Parte del volume presenta le principali interpretazioni della metafisica di S. Tommaso; nella seconda espone approfonditamente le caratteristiche e le grandi ricchezze della concezione metafisica dell'Aquinate, nei suoi vari aspetti: Tommaso e (...)
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    Aristote et le paradoxe zénonien « à partir de la dichotomie ».Alessio Santoro - 2024 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 122 (2):155-170.
    Cet article reconstruit la réception d’un paradoxe zénonien formulé « à partir de la dichotomie » dans la Physique et dans la Métaphysique d’Aristote. Dans la Physique, Aristote remarque que ce paradoxe a conduit certains philosophes à poser l’existence de grandeurs indivisibles ( Physique I, 3) et découvre le présupposé erroné qui produit l’absurdité (VIII, 8). Après avoir montré que ce groupe de philosophes inclut Platon, l’article démontre que, dans la Métaphysique, Aristote invoque explicitement le raisonnement à la base du (...)
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  36.  32
    Ernst Jünger: l'uomo d'azione e il veggente.Manuela Alessio - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (3):579-590.
  37.  17
    Principj di Scienza nuova d’intorno alla comune natura delle nazioni.Giovanni Battista Vico - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (1):109-151.
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  38.  12
    A Gift Text of Hispano-Neapolitan Diplomacy: Giovan Battista Manso's Erocallia.Thomas Denman - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (5):683-693.
    SUMMARYThis essay considers a book that Giovan Battista Manso intended as a public gift to Philip IV of Spain. The book is Manso's Erocallia, published in Venice in 1628 with a dedication written by the author and addressed to the Spanish king. While the book ostensibly contains twelve dialogues on love and beauty, these subjects are treated as universal principles encompassing encyclopaedic spectra of knowledge. I wish to argue that the two prefatory letters, alongside the structure or ‘arrangement’ (...)
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  39.  42
    La vita e le opere di Giovan Battista Hodierna. Mario Pavone.William Shea - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):634-634.
  40. " Subtle morphology" in Italy: Darwinism and the experimental method in the anatomical and embryological research of Francesco Todaro and Giovan Battista Grassi.A. Ottaviani - 1997 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 17 (3):365-396.
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  41.  20
    Fire and its asian worshippers: A note on firmicus maternus’ de errore profanarvm religionvm 5.1.Alessio Mancini & Tommaso Mari - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (2):662-665.
    Persae et Magi omnes qui Persicae regionis incolunt fines ignem praeferunt et omnibus elementis ignem putant debere praeponi. The Persians and all the Magi who dwell in the confines of the Persian land give their preference to fire and think it ought to be ranked above all the other elements.Iulius Firmicus Maternus was a Latin writer who lived in the fourth centurya.d. In the 340s, following his conversion to Christianity, he wrote theDe errore profanarum religionum, which has been preserved only (...)
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  42.  10
    Educare alla filosofia: atti del XIII Convegno nazionale dell'A.D.I.F., Roma, 12-15 settembre 1990.Georges Cottier & Battista Mondin (eds.) - 1991 - Milano: Massimo.
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    Le sfere omocentriche di Giovan Battista Amico nell'astronomia del Cinquecento: Con il testo del "De motibus corporum coelestium...". Mario Di Bono. [REVIEW]James Lattis - 1992 - Isis 83 (4):655-656.
  44. Processi e rappresentazioni di scienza nuova in Giovan Battista Vico.Paolo Arcari - 1911 - Friburgo nella Svizzera,: Libreria dell'Università (O. Gschwend).
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    Lyric receptions M. cannatà Fera, G. B. D'alessio (edd.): I Lirici greci. Forme Della comunicazione E storia Del testo. Atti Dell'incontro di studi, Messina, 5–6 novembre 1999 . (Pelorias 8.) pp. 205. Messina: Dipartimento di scienze Dell'antichità Dell'università degli studi di Messina, 2001. Paper, €30. Isbn: 88-8268-007-X. [REVIEW]A. D. Morrison - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (01):23-.
  46.  8
    Kari Weil, Precarious Partners: horses and their humans in nineteenth-century France.Alessio Petrizzo - 2022 - Clio 55 (55):314-317.
    Le livre refermé, le lecteur peut avoir l’impression d’avoir littéralement accompli une promenade à cheval dans la culture française du xixe siècle. Culture au sens large, qu’elle soit littéraire, philosophique, politique, scientifique ou visuelle, qu’elle touche aux loisirs ou à l’étude. Tout fait source : les idéologues, les écrivains, les peintres, la presse illustrée, la photographie (peut-être nénamoins sous-estimée), les affiches, le théâtre, le cirque, les rituels sociaux populaires ou...
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  47. A Treatise on Galileian Mechanics: Exercitationes in Mechanicis Aristotelis by the Jesuit Giovan Battista Zupi.Romano Gatto - 2018 - In Matteo Valleriani, Matthias Schemmel, Jürgen Renn & Rivka Feldhay (eds.), Emergence and Expansion of Pre-Classical Mechanics. Springer Verlag.
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  48. Su un censimento delle opere di Giovan Battista Della Porta.Antonio Borrelli - 2000 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 20 (2-3):448-451.
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  49. Rewriting, censorship, self-censorship: The editorial routes of Giovan Battista Della Porta.O. Trabucco - 2002 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 22 (1):41-57.
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  50. De Antiquissima Italorum Sapientia [di] Giovan Battista Vico. Traduzione.Giambattista Vico & Gaetano Garofalo - 1969 - A. Signorelli.
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